Deep Bow of Gratitude - "Prayers for Freedom" Album Crowdfunding Campaign Recap

Dear Ones,

        Our campaign is close to a month in completion. As a community we raised $39,618 through the campaign and some money continued to trickle in in the days following our campaign which successfully helped us reach our goal of $40,000. We did this!!!! WOW! What a deep bow to each and every one of you who pledged, shared facebook posts, told your friends, prayed, and all the other ways, seen and unseen, that you showed up for us simply because we asked. So much gratitude! Thank you!

Our work too has just begun.. we still have names in the Sand to Soulfully scribe and photograph for you, Spontaneous Songs to Sing, Telegrams to deliver and House Concerts to present. In other words, you'll still be seeing quite a bit of us! All of these are in process and on their way.  

Video Recap of our campaign:

A snippit from our "Prayers for Freedom" CD Release Concert in Marin, CA:

Our campaign video:



Lily Rothrock

As a marketing consultant and copywriter, I’ll help you find the right message founded on your distinctive experience that compels your clients to want to work with you, so your business can thrive. Writing websites with personal connection is not just what I do, it’s what I help others do everyday.

"Prayers for Freedom" is Born


MaMuse sung 'round the world!